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Melinda Houde

Certified Consultant

(860) 999-1654

My Story

Welcome! I can’t wait to share my love of Scentsy with you. I am a wife and bunny mom, we have been rescuing and fostering bunnies for 25 years. I enjoy working out, cycling, cooking, and spending time with my husband on our Harley. I found Scentsy after starting to work from home when COVID hit and was burning candles a lot, and couldn’t figure out why we were having so many asthma attacks and just wasn't getting the scent I wanted in my house. Then my friend Jenni introduced me to Scentsy, and I was able to enjoy amazing scents in my home again with out flames, soot and best of all we were able to get all of this without any allergy or Asthma issues. I have been hooked on the products since, and decided I needed to join the Scentsy family.

What's warming in my home